I feel like dry bones. A better description might be the proverbial hamster on the wheel-going around and round, feeling exhausted, but not really going anywhere. 

I know we all feel counter-productive at times. Ours days are reactive instead of organized and the hours slip by as if somehow they’re being sucked into a black hole, or you’re on such auto-control that you can’t even recall the hours or what you did in them. You know that feeling of driving on auto-pilot and when you arrive to your destination, you seriously shake your head and wonder how you got there. 

See, dry bones. 

This summer has been crazy busy. I’m not running my own business, it’s running me. I do enjoy what I do, which is real estate, but I just didn’t plan on what I’d do if I ever got successful at it. 

Now I have to make a plan. 

Busyness is not what I rail against. It’s finding time to do the important things that help me in my daily life, the people I enjoy, the hobbies, and the important cultivation of my relationship with God. I need help!! 

I saw this picture tonight of a bird and tucked under each wing was a baby bird. So precious and such a picture of the covering we have available to us from our dear Heavenly Father. 

It’s really not about asking for it either. He is there covering us because of His great love for us, always vigil over us, never forgetting us. Always mindful.   

I think the real issue is we forget He is there to help, to comfort, to hide us under His wings. We forget to run to Him but instead run to our own devices. Well anyway, I do. 

I am learning to take better care of my time. It is not easy. Some people think I am the “organizational queen.” This business has shown me how much I lack in organization and how important “business Infrastructure” is to my survival. 

I want to bring glory to God in everything I do. That does not mean perfection but mindfulness and a desire to let Him cover me and show me how to do what I need to do in my business and my life which are one and the same. 

I’ve been absent from my writing, which I love to do more than any one thing, so I am trying to fit it back into my life. 

God is good and providing ways to stabilize me a bit instead of being the crazy, over anxious, over ambitious crazy woman that people see flying down Eagle Rd a dozen times a day. 

Help!! He is helping. Hide me under Your wings Lord. I need you in every minute of every day.